COVID-19, Pets, and Renting: What to Know
During this challenging time we find ourselves concentrating a lot on keeping our families safe from the spread of COVID-19. Well, there is another member of our family we definitely need to make sure we are paying attention to, and keeping just as safe. Of course we are referring to our animal friends.
Getting a Rental
Now of course you don’t need to bring your furry friend along for the ride, however you want to keep them in mind when you’re looking for a place to rent. For dogs you may want to make sure there is adequate space for him/her to run and play like a fenced backyard. Just think about what your pet will need out of your new home, and create a checklist and stick to it! Remember that due to COVID-19 a lot of open houses may be appointment-only and you’ll be required to wear a mask.
Home Life
During COVID-19 all the essentials pretty much stay the same. You want to always clean up after your pets, especially in a rental. If they soil the floors, be sure to clean it up as soon as possible and use trusted cleaners when necessary. You don’t want to create any damage that could endanger your security deposit.
When it comes to their daily routine however, things may switch up a little bit. For dogs, for instance, you want to limit the amount of time you and your pet spend around other people and other dogs. According to the CDC there are a few instances of animals getting COVID-19 from humans. However, there has been no evidence (as of this writing) that the virus can transfer from the fur or skin of a pet to a human. Remember, we cannot put a mask on our pets. So the next best thing to do is keep your distance and avoid large gatherings of other pets and their owners.
At the end of the day, our pets are just like another member of our family, so make sure to take any necessary steps to keep them safe just like you would one of your own children. Don’t forget the vet checkups and keep your animals nice and loved.
Want to learn more about renting a house? Buckeye Northwest Realty provides houses for rent in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding areas. To learn more about houses for rent, contact us today!