3 Ways to Boost Your Spirits During COVID-19

Staying positive at all times can be tough but especially in the midst of an ongoing global pandemic. Keeping a cheery attitude during these times can seem nearly impossible especially with a constant rise in death tolls and COVID cases. It's important to try to keep your spirits up and maintain a positive mindset during this stressful period.

One of the reasons it's been hard for people to maintain a sense of peace during the pandemic is because it has forced people to act out behaviors that are typical of depression. For example the rules we are instructed to follow such as isolating and social distancing are symptoms of depression. Those who are currently dealing with the disease or who have dealt with it before may be feeling more challenged now. Below are three great tips that will help boost your spirit and lift your mood.

Stay Connected

Lift your mood by staying socially active with friends and family during times of isolation. As Humans, we require interactions and connections with others. Hence why going long periods of time without this can cause us to feel anxious or lonely. Thankfully during our time and age where there are multiple ways of connecting with our loved ones. Apps like Facetime, Zoom, Google making reaching out to family and friends all around the world very easy. Catching up and having a quick chat is a great way to keep your spirits up and focus on those who matter the most.

Just because it is recommended to social distance, don't feel restricted to only socialising virtually. Feel free to grab lunch with a small circle at a nearby cafe or restaurant. Take a break and change up your daily routine by meeting some friends. This will greatly improve your state of mind as well as your day.

Keep active

Days feel longer and slower if you don't have much to do. A good tip and a lifestyle change to implement into your daily routine is working out. Physical activity is not only a great distraction but plays a major role in your overall health and wellness. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins which improve your mood and consequently make you feel better.

You can work out in gyms or rec centres, however if you prefer staying at home there are multiple possibilities to complete fulfilling workouts in the comfort of your home. There are many fitness studios offering online classes and tons of workout videos can be found on YouTube.

Physical activity however is not limited to just workouts at the gym, you can play any type of sport or even join a zumba class. If a full workout is not your thing, you can do something smaller and more relaxed like going for a walk or a light jog in order to get that daily dose of fitness.

Treat yourself

Being stuck at home everyday can create a sense of repetitiveness. Getting up and doing the same exact routine daily can be exhausting and irritating. So change things up by doing something you normally wouldn’t do. If you've got more time on your hands, now is a great time to improve your cooking skills by trying out new recipes. Maintaining a balanced diet with freshly cooked meals will enhance your mental and physical health. Make it a point to treat yourself regularly. Start your morning off with a new breakfast recipe or a fresh fruity smoothie.

Treat yourself by doing things that used to make you happy or feel good. Focus on the small things that made you happy, whether it was baking, gardening, singing, dancing or even painting. Create a routine of doing things you love more often by prioritizing your needs and happiness.

While no one has a timeline regarding when or if our lives will go back to the way they used to be, These are a few out of multiple methods that will keep your spirits up and help you get through the days in the meantime.

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