Hot Showers: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Whether you’re a morning shower person, or an evening shower person, one thing always rings true: showers can be one of the most relaxing and uplifting part of your day. Sitting in the steam and just letting all your cares melt away seems like the highlight of any day. However, are there potential downsides to having hot showers so often? Follow along as we look into Hot Showers: The Good, Bad, and Ugly.
Defining a Normal Length Shower
This can easily be considered a controversial topic due to the simple fact that people love to relax in the shower, not to mention the time it takes to shave legs and various other things people do to feel their best. On average (in America), people spend a little over 8 minutes in the shower. I know what you’re thinking, “I spend way more time in the shower than 8 minutes.” There are a lot of people who can spend upwards of one full hour in the shower and this definitely isn’t without consequences.
How It All Adds Up
If we take into consideration that the average amount of time Americans spend in the shower is a little over 8 minutes (8.2 minutes according to home-water-works.org), and the average flow rate of approximately 2.1 gallons per minute, we can assume that the average amount of water wasted per shower is a little over 17 gallons. 17 gallons! Now just imagine how much water would be wasted in a shower that is one hour long. Over 120 gallons! This is a huge consumption / waste of water and comes with a hefty price tag.
How to Save Money
One of the best ways, of course, to save money is to keep showers short and to the point. As they say, “Don’t dilly-dally.” When it comes to shaving, consider filling a large bowl with hot water and try to reuse as much water as possible. If you have children of the same gender consider giving them showers together when appropriate. This will be a great way to cut down on the amount of time spent running the water.
I think with a little help from math (and a quick google search) it is pretty simple to see the easiest and best way to save money. The less time spent in the shower the better. This rings especially true if you have an abundance of people living in your household. With a little effort (and a lot of sacrifice) you can make each minute add to savings.
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