How to Keep Moisture and Humidity at Bay in Your Rental Home
There are many ways that water can enter your home. Simple daily tasks like showering and cooking can add to the humidity levels, not to mention things like dryers, ovens, etc.. Most times however, moisture in your home is caused by window condensation. If you've got foggy windows and a mild smell of mildew it's time to fix the condensation levels (or report them) before you have bigger problems like mold and rotting wood to deal with.
When humidity starts to build up it begins to damage the structure of your home, paint on the walls will start to peel, wooden fools start bending, these are all direct signs that the moisture level in your home is too high. Here are some tips on how to keep moisture and humidity at bay in your home or rental!
Fix Up Your Home
The first culprit to look out for is usually bad plumbing. Things like leaky pipes, faucets and toilets not only lead to a lot of wasted water but also add to the humidity in your home. The reason being when this water starts to evaporate you end up with a lot of moisture in the air. So it is important that you report, replace or repair any damaged pipes.
Leaks in roofs and walls cause the most damage as they can seriously affect your home's foundation. Reporting/repairing these leaks will prevent things like rotting and mold.
Improve Ventilation
You can test your home's humidity levels using a hygrometer or an at-home method found on google. Humidifiers do an excellent job of reducing developing moisture in the air of your home. They come in a multitude of different sizes and shapes to fit in smaller and larger areas like an attic or a basement. These are most commonly placed away from walls and furniture to ensure proper circulation. In general they are commonly placed in the basement as they won't be affected by a lot of warmth or direct sunlight. These devices operate quietly so you can turn it on and let it run in the background.
Running the AC is one of the best methods of reducing moisture in the air especially in hot, humid climates. If you feel an air conditioner is a costly option, you can purchase fans too. Fans will help circulation the warm, moist air out of your house and bring in fresh cool air. Depending on the weather, opening up the windows will help get the air moving and will lower the chances of developing unwanted moisture. In bathrooms it's always best to keep the exhaust fans running if you have one, if not open a window. If there is no window or exhaust fan, maybe a dehumidifier is the best option.
Natural Dehumidifiers
There aren't any TRUE natural ways to get rid of humidity permanently, but fortunately there are ways to reduce the level of moisture in your home naturally. You can introduce a variety of plants into your home to absorb moisture from the air. An epiphyte is an ideal plant that will work in reducing moisture levels as they get their water from the air rather than their roots. Overall plants won't completely eliminate the moisture problems but will make a slight difference.
Improper Humidity Levels
When you're trying to control the moisture levels in your house make sure not to go overboard as a very low amount of humidity in the air is not good for anyone either. Having improper indoor humidity levels is an underestimated home hazard. In humid conditions you can see a rise of dust mites, allergens and pathogens. Whereas when you lower the moisture content you will be susceptible to allergies, headaches and asthma symptoms like wheezing and shortness of breath. It can also cause dry skin and hair and can make you more susceptible to colds and illnesses.
Your health is not the only thing that gets affected, wooden floorboards and furniture can also split and crack when the air is too dry. Ideal humidity levels are supposed to be less than 60% in the summer and between 25 to 40% in the winter. Taking the necessary steps to control your home's humidity levels will help keep you, your family and home safe
Buckeye Northwest Realty provides houses for rent in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding areas. To learn more about houses for rent, contact us today!