Moving Soon? Use These Cleaning Tips During the Pandemic
Moving to a new home is always an exciting yet stressful process. At a time where most of us are staying put at home, you could perhaps be shifting homes. Moving during a pandemic doesn't have a handbook, however these tips will help you move safely to your new home without contracting the virus.
Preventing the spread of Covid can be done easily with the right sanitation methods. Not a lot about the virus is known, however we know that the virus remains for hours to even days on surfaces, which is why your first rule of thumb would always be to clean and sanitize all surfaces.
Have Cleaning Materials on Hand
When you're in the process of moving, it is normal to have many visitors in your home, such as realtors, movers and even guests. When you are in contact with many people, it is important to practice social distancing and wearing a mask. Remember to not pack up all your cleaning items while putting things away, as having these disinfectants on hand will hopefully protect you and your family while eliminating any potential risks. So stock up on your supplies, have hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes, sprays and other supplies which will be required for a full home cleaning. It would be ideal to have sanitizer by the main door and within other rooms which forces visitors and movers to use it.
In the circumstance that you don't have access to your cleaning supplies you can always make your own by diluting household bleach with water (and bleach is one of the cheaper products on the market). While purchasing your cleaning supplies a good rule of thumb is to use a product that contains an appropriate amount of bleach and at least 60-70% of alcohol. Also keep some rubber gloves and protective wear.
Do it Yourself
Moving is a huge task which requires many people, so hire a company to reduce the workload on you. However the best way to ensure your safety and that your items don't get contaminated is to just do it yourself.
You can rent a moving container and pack all your boxes yourself. When moving with a container only you have full access to it, which means there is very minimal contact with others and your items.
Communicate Your Expectations
If you're hiring movers to get the job done swiftly, don't hesitate to clarify your standards regarding the level of sanity that you expect. For starters you can tell them to wear gloves and keep their mask on at all times as this keeps both parties safe during the cleaning process. You can also ask if the transport trucks are sanitized and cleaned after each delivery as it could be a potential virus breeding area. Another factor to take into consideration is when the truck was last used.
Rent a Storage Unit
Some home buyers prefer to move their belongings in stages by separating things between essential items and non-essential items. So you may choose to move all your essential items first which gives you the breathing room to unpack and clean all your essential items while keeping your unessential items in a storage unit. By leaving your non-essential items in an airtight storage unit for a week or so you won't have to be worried about the virus as this time would allow the virus to die.
Keep Doors Open
This may sound simple, but it's very important as it comes with a lot of benefits. When you have people constantly moving in and out of your house shifting boxes, it is useful to keep all the doors open at all times which prevents people from touching surfaces like doorknobs. It also makes their job much easier while carrying heavy items.
Another reason to keep the doors and windows open at all times is for good ventilation and air circulation within your home. Having fresh air circulation will allow the breeze to flow in and remove any smells or stale air.
A Full Clean
Before and after you move your things in, it is best to have a full deep clean by hiring professionals to do the stressful but necessary work for you. Cleaners will be able to make sure all overlooked surfaces, corners and furniture are completely disinfected and safe for you and your family to settle in. Even if the truck has been disinfected beforehand it is best to wipe down the outsides of the boxes before you unpack and put everything away. Once the boxes are empty, set them outside to be recycled.
Shifting to a different house is always an exciting and busy experience but keeping these tips in mind during a pandemic will keep you and everyone else safe.
Buckeye Northwest Realty provides houses for rent in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding areas. To learn more about houses for rent, contact us today!