Rental Inspection? Here's What to Know!

The notification of an incoming rental inspection can be a little jarring. You’ll suddenly find yourself making a mental checklist of every single problem area in your home. Perhaps it's your first inspection and you're not sure what to expect? Look no further, this post should provide you with a little insight that will put both you and your landlord at ease.

Why Do Landlords Conduct Inspections?

Your home (at the end of the day) is your landlord's investment, and unfortunately some of the time it can be abused by careless tenants. This can be anything from damage to the property or just general disrespect in caring for it. These inspections allow them to verify the condition of the property anytime, for example before extending a lease or releasing a deposit to tenants who are moving out.

When Can Inspections be Performed?

This really can vary for a few different reasons. So here is a list of the most common times your landlord can perform an inspection:

  • At least one mid-year inspection
  • For new tenants, it's recommended to do a check-in three to four months after moving in
  • Necessary safety inspections for pest control or leaks

Aside from these, once or twice a year is up to the landlord. Landlords are allowed to perform multiple inspections a year as long as they are not random and do not violate the tenant's privacy.

Do I Get a Notice of Inspection?

The landlord is required to give at least 24-hour notice before performing an inspection, however in the case of an emergency they are allowed to enter the property as long as the tenant approves it. This may seem like a short amount of time, but usually there is a good reason. Communication with your landlord is extremely important just to make sure everyone is on the same page.

What Should I Expect During an Inspection?

Your landlord probably has a checklist that he/she is going to do that outline the basics for all of their properties. Typically they will look for damage that goes beyond wear and tear such as:

  • Cracked walls or flooring
  • Stained carpets
  • Moldy or potentially moldy areas that can be harmful to the tenant's health
  • Leaks in bathrooms, ceilings, or faucets
  • Condition of appliances if provided with property
  • Unpleasant smells
  • Signs of infestation or pests
  • Faulty alarms or detectors

This list does not include everything, however it gives you a basic idea of what they are looking for. These general problems can be both a nuisance or a danger to the tenants as well as the landlord if action is not taken. In the case that any of these are present, the landlord can be expected to document these occurrences by taking pictures. So don't be alarmed if your landlord starts taking photos of your home.

What if I Refuse Inspection?

If a landlord shows up unannounced or without a prior notice you are allowed to refuse an inspection. They would not be allowed to enter your premises without you allowing it. As a tenant, you are allowed to reschedule or request for a different time. However if you refuse their inspection for a prolonged period of time that not only creates issues with your relationship, but also becomes a violation of a basic landlord right as well as their lease terms. This can lead to eviction or legal issues as it may seem like you are hiding something.

So, short and sweet there you have it, all the basics you need to know on what to expect at your rental inspection and how you can prepare for it in order for it to go smoothly.

Buckeye Northwest Realty provides houses for rent in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding areas. To learn more about houses for rent, contact us today!

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