Rental Living: Keeping Your Carpets Clean
Whether it is hundreds of footsteps a day or even pet soiling, the carpets in your home certainly take a beating. That is why it is important to take steps to help protect it, and yourself, from the possible repairs and cost that are required upon moving out. We have compiled a list to do just that. Follow along as we show you ways to keep the carpets in your rental home happy.
Carpets Begin at Walkthrough
It goes without saying that if you (and potentially your landlord) miss questionable areas of carpeting in your rental home you may find yourself responsible for them when you plan to move out. So take the extra time to walk from room to room and make sure you take note of any and all blemishes you see. Leave nothing to chance and be sure to report all your findings to your landlord.
High-Traffic Areas and Carpeting
Entry ways, walkways, livingrooms, and many other rooms in your rental home will generally see the most amount of traffic. This can quickly wear down carpeting and cause lots of stress when you’re ready to leave. One of the best ways to keep these issues at bay is to have everyone remove their shoes when entering your house. To make things easier for everyone, create a nice area by your front door that can be used to organize shoes.
Another thing worth noting is using runners or rugs to help protect the carpeting in the areas of your house that will see the most action.
The topic of pets and rental houses is sort of a no-brainer as there is definitely a reason that the majority of landlords will require you to pay a pet deposit. Pet urine and feces are one of the top factors in the destruction of rental property carpeting. That is why it is extremely important to take the time to properly train your pets to use a litter box or to go outside to do their business. In the event of an accident, be sure to clean the affected areas thoroughly to ensure issues do not worsen..
Covering Carpet
If you are planning on painting, staining, or doing something else that could potentially harm your carpet, it is a good idea to look into some form of covering. Plastic tarps are often used when people are painting walls or planning to create a large mess. If you have children you may want to create them an area they can do art or messy tasks that won’t affect your carpeting. However, if this is not an option, simply get a plastic tarp that you can cover the carpet anytime it may get hurt.
Carpet Maintenance
Certainly one of the best ways to keep the carpeting in your rental home clean is to perform routine maintenance. Keep carpet cleaning sprays, baking soda, and other potential cleaners readily available in case of mishap, and be sure to be attentive to any recent spills as they could always lead to bigger issues. It is a good idea to spot treat any areas that have recently been affected before doing a larger carpet cleaning.
Carpet Cleaning
There are 3 ways to have your carpets cleaned. First, if you are so inclined, is to purchase a residential carpet cleaner from your local store. Anytime there is a mess in your home, first spot clean the area then use your carpet cleaner to clean the affected area.
The second way is to rent a commercial carpet cleaner, and perform the same task. Both of these methods are great for general upkeep and monthly cleanings to keep things nice and fresh. However, it is generally a very good idea and often times required to have the carpets professionally cleaned sometimes once a year or before vacating the premises. These high-quality, deep cleanings will keep your carpets fresh and stop any culminating, larger issues from getting worse.
Considering that many of us that are renting homes, especially in the Toledo Ohio area, will find ourselves with carpeting from time to time, it is important to know what to do to keep it protected and fresh. Take the time to take care of the carpets in your rental home and ensure not only a cleaner living space, but a return on your deposit.
If you have questions or concerns about the carpeting in your rental home, please contact your landlord. If you are a Buckeye Northwest Realty tenant, don’t hesitate to contact us now for more assistance!
Do you have more amazing tips to keep the carpets clean in your home? We would love to hear them! Add us on Facebook and let your voice be heard, leave a comment!