Stuck Indoors? Try These Makeover Tips to Ease Your Mind
By now, and mind you it hasn’t even been all THAT long, we’ve all probably lost our minds a time or two being stuck inside our homes. That is why during the ‘stay at home’ orders amid the coronavirus outbreak, it may be an almost crucial decision to make over your living area(s) to prepare for your longer term occupancy. So we’ve decided to make a list of a few tips to help (hopefully) brighten your day during the coronavirus outbreak epidemic, check them out below.
Working From Home? Try a Standing Desk
There is no doubt that we will all be sitting quite a bit more over the coming weeks (or month) that we were previously. If you’re lucky enough to be in a scenario where you can work from home, one way of keeping yourself active and hopefully less stressed is to look into getting or creating a standing desk for you to work at. It will keep your moving throughout the day, and will definitely give you some relief from that sitting we know all too well.
Colors Colors Colors!
When times are gettin’ you down why not boost your mood with a little blast of color? Paint those boring walls something spectacular and uplifting. Yellows and light blues can go a long way for making your home feel ready for spring and beautiful weather, while reds and grays can help bring out your inner strength. No matter your reason, sometimes a simple change is all we need to brighten up our scenario so give it a shot. You may be thanking us!
Homeschool? Ugh!
If you’re one of those parents that is in the scenario of having to homeschool your children, why not create a nice little area that you can dedicate completely to your educational needs? Putting a dry erase board on the wall, or even creating a nice file folder area to store all completed or upcoming work can definitely make things feel less chaotic (I know from experience). If your student has a laptop from school to complete work on, you could make sure they have a nice little area to sit (and remain seated) while completing assignments. Little things like this can go a long way in helping with the overall transition for students having to complete work outside of their normal environment, and also will stop it from feeling overwhelming having things all over the place.
Family Time Environment
One thing that we can utilize this time for is to get some much needed ‘old school’ family time together. From making forts with chairs and sheets, to gathering on the couch to watch a new movie together, these times need a bit of love, so why not take a little time to make it special? Prepare lighting by moving around your existing lights if you can, or maybe move the couch to the center of the room just for a night. Anything you can do to make the experience that much more over-the-top to break up the long days now and ahead.
No matter what your scenario, we all share one thing in common, we are stuck indoors majority of the time. So think outside the box as they say and come up with way to make your home feel like a paradise away from work and away from the world that is perfect for you and your family. And definitely don’t forget to keep your home clean and wash those hands!
We at Buckeye Northwest Realty give all our wishes and prayers to you and your friends and loved ones during the coronavirus epidemic and hope that we all can get back to our normal lives soon! As always we offer some of the best houses for rent in Toledo, Ohio - contact us today to learn more!