What is IFTTT? How Does it Work With My Home Smart Devices?

In a constantly developing world, it feels like everyday where there's new incredible software or technology being developed to make our lives easier. So here comes IFTTT which basically means “If this, then that”. This online service allows you to connect your smart home devices to one another. In the app you can set certain acts which lead to other actions. Not completely sure what exactly I'm talking about yet?

If for example you decide that if you turn on your smart lights, the thermostat should be on 20 degrees, then that's exactly what you will get. Using IFTTT you can connect your smart home devices together even if they don't work together directly. However in order for this to work, the requirement is that your devices must support IFTTT.

But why do we need IFTTT and how does it actually benefit us? When there are so many services and apps to explore, you may find difficulty in managing them or using them to create basic tasks. This is where IFTTT comes in and saves the day. It is a single tool that acts as the ultimate automation service for all of your internet connected tools.

How to use IFTTT?

IFTTT works by using Applets to connect your smart home devices and apps together. So for example, you can connect your smart thermostat, smart lights, and IP camera. These applets and combinations can be as random as you choose them to be. If for instance you own a smart lighting system, you can use IFTTT to automatically turn on the lights every time your smart doorbell rings. It may sound complicated to set up but fear not, you don't need any experience to set it up as it's as simple as pressing a button or two.

How to set it up?

IFTTT is simple to use, all you have to do is go to the website or download the mobile app and create a free account. And then you're up and running and ready to explore. There's an array of different applets available, so IFTTT makes it easier for you by providing its top recommendations for new users to try out. You can also browse and search for individual applets or under categories such as health and fitness or business tools. The Applets screen allows its users to manage which applets are currently on and which have been used in the past. Users also have the freedom to create their own applets by combining various services and setting their own parameters.

IFTTT currently supports hundreds of services. Applets are basically specific things that happen when you connect certain services. So for example you can connect your Amazon Alexa to your Google calendar. If you're at a loss of what kind of iterations you can create, there are thousands of Applets to choose from. IFTTT currently has 18 million users running more than a billion Applets a month which shows how popular and beneficial the service is.

The Steps

To simplify the steps to be taken to get started;

1) First login into the IFTTT website.

2) Type in your username and click on services.

3) You will then see some auto generated Applets based on your account information such as your time zone.

4) Then go ahead and browse and search for a service you would like to find an applet for such as Facebook or Twitter.

5) Then select your preferred applet and see what it does.

6) Then click the “Turn on” button for the Applet.

7) You will then be asked for permission for whichever service the Applet needs access to such as Facebook.

8) Once this step is done, your Applet is ready and working.

9) You can view your Applets on the top of your IFTTT dashboard.

You can use IFTTT for basically anything that is internet related which makes your life incredibly easy if you have many smart services installed in your house. To name a few that can be used are your home security system, smart speakers, doorbells and smart locks, and lights. The list of possibilities goes on. IFTTT is a game changer and will make your life much easier

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